Why would any teen need to be tanned? Now I do understand that too light a skin might be less attractive in someones opinion, but do we really need a ban?
Isn’t that for parents to decide? Well, apparently not. Most parents are so controlled. We are forbade to take our kids to school without them being vaccinated. If you try to, you will find out soon enough, the doctors will win. It’s on commercials, and if you’re on any kind of healthcare plan, notices come out reminding you to get your shots. Get your kids shots for their teen years and much more. Commercials now tell you to get Vaccines for teen girls now that weren’t even thought about when I was a teen. We made it ok.

When it comes to this, what’s the nature behind the ban? Control? Is it really a health issue? Those same teens can go to any beach, sunscren or not and lay in the sun for hours, and noone stops them. I don’t necessarily agree to tanning, but there are bigger issues that a doctor can find to gripe about and this isn’t one of them. Maybe this is an attempt to complain about something that can be changed with minimal work, versus the big pink elephant in the room. story below…

The American Academy of Pediatrics wants teenagers banned from tanning salons to reduce their risk of skin cancer.

More than 30 states regulate indoor tanning by minors, with some banning children younger than 14 or requiring parental permission. Illinois and New York are among states considering bills barring anyone under 18 from indoor tanning.