Sometimes it’s just better left virtual. Sometimes it will never get any better than it was online. Waiting-for-Chinese-Girl

Is this the Zhang in question? I’m not gay at all, but guys I’m thinking I might be for her. Lol just for a night and she’d have to promise to not tell anybody.

OK serious. Is THIS THE GIRL?!?!?!? Are you thinking what I’m THINKING? IM not really shallow, but the first thing comes to mind is, SHE IS LOOKING AT HIM?!?

IM NOT an ASSHOLE. I’m being honest. OK, now listen if you are observant, you might notice that extremely attractive women can get with some pretty unattractive men. Now I’m certain this guy probably has a great personality. I don’t think he’s grotesque. ad_214601466-e1470135986409 he’s kind of like Steve Buscemi.

I actually like Steve. He seems cool. But this is reality for this guy. This isn’t a script. Was this woman toying with him? I cannot help but think that she was. Now In All fairness, it’s not your fault if you’re pretty. And the prettiest women have the lowest self esteem. It’s true. Men know how to get in our heads and fuck with us. They know exactly how to get you. Is this girl a victim of mind control by Alexander? He looks like he might be the type.

That’s how y’all boys do it. So dont try to fool me. I know. I’m a master at this shit. Anyway, I’m turning the tables a little bit because I can kinda see how this guy just might get this girl in the end. Lmao!!!! It’s a perfect fucking plan! Everyone is on his side. He gets her or in the least he gets sympathy cookie. Hell I’m ready to sleep with him. Haha haha OK just kidding. This guy can’t lose. He has the women in the hospital like AWWWWWW! That fucker!

imagesLook at this shit right here.

Only in the mind can a man like this get a chick like THIS. Think Jay Z and Beyonce. Now it helps that he’s rich as all get out, but come on now. Get real.

This guy is a genius! I love men. You got to. They are just outrageous.

I never seen a man that lost yet. They can’t lose. No matter what we do, they stay a step ahead.

See what I mean? I guarantee he gets what he wants. ad_214601480

Someone gonna wake up in the morning and think, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!? I was not supposed the sleep with Alexander. THEN all of a sudden she is addicted and he holds all the cards. His persistence will pay off. Every man will WALK by them and will say, what the??? Haha haha haha haha haha haha INFRACTIONATION. Look it up. IT WORKS every time. She will chase until he either surrenders or chooses to leave her desperate ass. Lol I’m dying laughing at how this works. Imagine that gorgeous girl CHASING someone.  Just a reminder just in case you forgot how she looked.

Waiting-for-Chinese-Girl (1)