R Kelly told her he would marry her and she was #1


So yeah… So Listen, I am not into victim shaming or bashing. As a person who went through that, I would not want anyone to blame me if I were a victim. In saying that, what’s going on with Azriel? In the video above I discuss what she was saying in the video she had with Gayle and her friend, Joycelyn Savage where she vehemently denied any wrongdoing from R Kelly. And now her claims of getting beaten with a shoe and being sexually assaulted by him and forced to sleep with other men and women in group sex sessions up to five times a day is SHOCKING.


So, I am Ericka Courtney and I am a news blogger. I discuss all types of stories that I find interesting and think you might want to hear it. I have new youtube channel where I discuss stories in video called, LIVING WITH ERICKA. And I am gaining momentum. Slow snails pace, yeah, but it is steadily climbing. I want to bring you good content and something to think about when you come to my channel and I consider each topic to be rather personal and relatable. Was that a word, RELATABLE? Because it keeps giving me the red squiggly line and, why is it that SQUIGGLY was approved but RELATABLE wasn’t? lol anyway, yeah so… watch it and subscribe if you enjoy my content. I post videos at least twice a week.

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